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Audition Tips

Helena Gomes

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great day!

I can't wait for this pandemic to end so I can go to auditions.

I have been to a few and it's so much fun!

But it can be really stressful too.

So, I decided to share some tips for anyone who also loves to go to auditions.

This is more focused on theater kids, theater adults, and just anyone who is going to auditions for musical theater.

But it can also help you if you are a singer, dancer, actor, etc.

I hope that they help you!


This is more focused on people who are going to auditions where they have to sing.

If you are someone who drinks milk on a daily bases I highly recommend that you don't drink or eat anything with milk.

This is because the milk can make it harder for you to sing and it can also make your voice sound weird.

So just avoid it by all costs!

Be friendly

People want to work with people who are nice and friendly.

So just make sure that you are being super polite and smiling to everyone!

This tip is not only for when you are interacting with the panel, but with every interaction that you have.

Including other people who are auditioning.

I've made great friends at auditions and it just makes the whole process a thousand times better.

Stretch and warming up

Before your audition warm up your voice and stretch because a lot of times you don't have time for it or space, and it doesn't look very professional.

Also, if you are warming up your voice and be distracting for the panel and people auditioning.

However, if you forget to do this don't panic!

You can still stretch in a corner and warm up in a jacket. It sounds weird, but just get a jacket, scarf, anything, and sing with your face in it.

This way it will make it hard to listen to you.


B R I N G W A T E R!!!!!!

This is super important rather you are doing an audition for acting, musical theater, dancing, whatever.

You will be thirsty and sometimes there is no way you can get it.

Also, especially if you are dancing, sing or just auditioning for musical theater in general water is a necessity.


This is more focused if you have to sing in your audition but eat apples.

You can bring them as a snack and/or eat before the audition.

This is because apples kind of "clean" your throat and make you sound better.

They are also not something super heavy on your stomach, which is also good.

Be prepared

This is the most important tip.

Always be prepared.

Now your lines/routine/song back to back.

Bring extras if they ask for something different.

Just show them that you put effort into it.

And that's it!

I hope that you liked these tips, if you did make sure to like, comment, share and subscribe!

I have other tips in regards to this topic, so if you want to see a part two make sure to leave a like and comment!



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