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Things that could ruin your audition

Helena Gomes

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great day!

Has anyone had a horrible audition? Because I have! Screwing up during them is 100% reasonable, but it's still heartbreaking.

Not only that but not getting a role you wanted or needed can be discouraging and painful.

For those reasons, I decided to write this post in hopes it can help someone out there. However, I don't have all of the answers and would love to hear your guys' advice.

So if you have any suggestions, stories, comment down below! I would love to read them!

Anyways, I hope this helps you to have to perfect audition!

Auditions are a part of every performer's life. In a typical audition, you would perform to a panel consisting of people like producers, directors, and casting agents.

When you are in an audition room with hundreds of people, it can be hard to be hopeful, but no worries! I will give you some tips to help you get the part you want.

It's also important to remember that sometimes some roles just aren't for us, and that is okay! Just because you didn't get one part doesn't mean that you won't get another one!

The importance of auditions

Even though it's completely normal and okay to fail an audition, it still sucks.

Especially considering their extreme importance! They are your chance to get a part and improve your skills!

I look at them as a door to an amazing opportunity, rather that is just the teaching the experience itself gives you or a job it always presents you with opportunities.

We as performers need to always remember that auditioning is not only our way to jobs. They are a sort of bridge it doesn't matter how talented you are if you can't cross it you won't get to your destination.

Sometimes you are talented, but can't get any roles because your auditions aren't great.

And you might be asking but how is that possible? If you are good you should have no problem getting a job.

That is somewhat true, talent is one of the factors, however only having those skills aren't all it takes. Having good audition skills is CRUCIAL!

The panel is looking for a great performer, not a singer or actor or dancer, a performer. A person that does well under pressure, has certain skills(that you will learn in this post), and is just overall a good person.

They want a person and not just a gifted robot.

And that is why I am making this post! Even though I am not an expert I hope these tips can help you out. And again, if you have any advice or stories I would love to hear them in the comments!

Without any further, here is the list of things that can ruin your chances of getting a role.

Not being nice

It may sound obvious, but being nice is extremely important. The panel is looking for someone talented, but also that would be fun to work with.

Most of the people on the panel are going to be working with you every day, so it's natural that they want someone fun and nice.

I have been in auditions with talented people however, they were rude not only to the panel but to everybody else around them.

Don't forget to smile, say "good morning/afternoon", say "thank you" after you finish your audition, and have a good attitude! No rolling your eyes or acting rude.

You must introduce yourself not only as someone talented but also a delight to work with.

And this doesn't only apply while you are in the audition room, the people in the production usually watch people from the moment they walk into the moment they walk out of the building.

So no matter where you are or who you are talking to, remember to be extremely friendly and nice. Even when talking to another contestant, considering they watch the interactions the contestants have with each other.

It can be complicated to be friendly to someone who is competing for the same thing as you. With that said, that person is going through the same things as you are! They are also nervous and scared.

Thus being kind to other contestants not only increases your chances of getting a job it's also just a good thing to do.

It's also just an everyday thing, we should always be nice to each other!

Nonetheless is crucial to remember to be extra polite and friendly at auditions.

Not being prepared

Not being prepared is one of the worst mistakes you can make. It makes the panel think you don't care about the job and are unfit for the position.

A lot of times, when you are in a production, either a musical, play, television, etc, you need to memorize things very quickly. You need to show them that you really know your audition material. This way the panel will have a sense of security when it comes to you being able to carry the responsibilities that come with the job.

Again, it's essential to remember that they aren't only evaluating how good you are but how well you would perform in the workplace.

Essential things are knowing your lines back to back, having spare material (if they ask for one monologue prepare two or three), having music sheets if you need it or karaoke, knowing the character or scene if possible, etc.

In addition to that, knowing the piece your audition to is fundamental. I recommend watching the piece that you are trying to get in to get to know your character and their story. That could be a musical, play, movie, interviews with people who have played those roles, anything you can find about it.

This doesn't apply to original pieces, but even with those, I would suggest looking into the directors/producers/writers' previous work so that you can know what they usually like to see.

When it comes to original pieces they usually give you a little description, if that is the case read it as many times as you can and try to understand that character even if you don't know much about them.

Everything you can do to be prepared and ready for your audition you should do! It's important to let the pannel know you studied and take time out of your week to prepare.

Not being passionate

Working with the arts is extremely difficult and is necessary to like what you are doing.

I have heard so many people say they want to be actors because they want to be famous, not because they love acting, only because of fame.

The panel needs to know this is something you are passionate about and love to do. This way the panel will know you will provide a positive workplace considering you aren't there simply for the money.

Also being passionate allows them to have the security and knowledge that you will always do your best and work. Considering is something that brings you happiness. It also makes your presentation a lot more entertaining!

Plus, there is nothing more annoying than to see someone at an audition who you can see is hating every second of it.

Every scene you do, or song, so on do it with your whole heart. Pour your soul into it like it's the performance of your life.

Show through your body how much you love to perform, every move you do execute with thought and emotion. Truly allow yourself and everyone around you to feel like your character and experience what they are experiencing.

Being passionate also connects with the first topic, not being nice, as not loving what you are doing can make you seem rude. Not showing interest can make you seem obnoxious or give an impression that you don't care.

So remember to demonstrate your desire and enthusiasm to not only be there but to perform. After all, an audition is kind of a presentation.


It may not seem like, but clothes are very helpful when it comes to getting a role.

At the same time, choosing the wrong outfit could ruin your audition.

It's good to remember to wear something comfortable. Soft materials and cozy clothes are perfect. Considering you will have to deal with being nervous, perform and be in a new situation wearing something comfortable it's a way to have a more pleasant experience.

Your outfit also needs to allow you to do everything you need to, either that is dancing, playing an instrument, etc.

Therefore, clothing items such as jeans, pieces with thick fabrics, or short dresses are not recommended.

*Tip for dresses: if you want to wear a dress or skirt consider wearing shorts underneath it to give you more mobility and freedom without flashing someone.

Wearing something that resembles your character is also a good idea. However, NEVER wear a costume or the same clothes as your character.

Clothes can help the panel see you as that role, so abuse of that and wear something that will help them and ultimately help you!

Although bringing elements to remind them of the said role is very helpful, wearing the exact clothes as your character can make you seem desperate.

I always try to imagine what that character would wear in their day-to-day life. Furthermore, try to wear similar hairstyles or the same color palette as them.

For example, if you were auditioning for "Hairspray" wearing something from the '60s or that remembers that era would be perfect.

Another scenario could be auditioning for Lydia in "Beetlejuice" in which case wearing something colorful wouldn't be ideal. Instead, black clothes would be a better fit.

It's all about looking like the character rather than copying them!

Being nervous

I know it is almost impossible to stay calm during an audition, but it is one of the most important things!

Being nervous is one of the most common things that can ruin your audition. And it's one of the hardest to not do.

Being nervous is an instinct because when we lived in the wild and could be killed by predators at any time our body had to be prepared to leave and run at any moment.

So now when we feel attacked our body does the same, the difference is that our lives aren't in danger.

Therefore, to calm yourself it's necessary to reassure your body that you aren't in a life or death situation. There are many different ways of doing so, the easiest is to take long deep breaths.

Another way is to keep reminding yourself about how you are in a safe place and you don't have to worry. It's even better if you only repeat a certain phrase such as "I'm safe and okay".

Remaining relaxed is hard, especially when you really want or need that part, however, stress can completely ruin your audition!

Especially if you need to sing at your auditions, being that stress can make it difficult to sing or sing well.

To calm your nerves down, I would recommend listening to a podcast or meditating before going to the audition. Having safe items with you can also help. These can be a necklace, wearing a perfume with calming sent, bracelet, maybe have a crystal on your purse, whatever it is that brings you peace!

Even though auditioning is crucial, it's also a learning opportunity! If it doesn't go well, remember that you can always try again, plus the process certainly gave you more knowledge.

And that's it! I hope you liked my audition tips!

Writing this reminded me how much I love auditions and how much I miss them. I can't wait to be able to go to one again. So please stay home, wear your mask, get vaccinated, and wash your hands so that this pandemic can end soon!

I loved writing this post and would love to hear from you! Comment down below any advice, experience, or your favorite tip from this post. I hope you have an amazing day and good luck on getting the role you want!

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