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Things Every Actor Should Know About Acting On Stage

Helena Gomes

Hi! I hope that you are having a great day!

I love acting. I have been acting since I was really young.

I remember performing at the playground and forcing all of the other kids to watch it.

And, after a while, I started studying acting and I loved it!

I had classes every Saturday and it was my favorite day of the week.

Over the years I learned a lot from my teachers and classmates. And in this post, I will share some of the things that I learned.

  • It's not about lying

When I started acting I thought it was about lying.

I would just pretend that I was somebody else instead of being that character.

What I realized is that an actor/actress should find the truth in their text and transmit that truth.

You aren't supposed to lie, you are supposed to tell somebody else's truth.

So, when you are on stage remember that, think about your character's motives, what they really are, their intentions, basically tell their story.

Every character has truth to themselves, you just have to find what is your character's truth.

  • Talk to the audience

When you are acting for the camera one of the most important rules is to not look at it.

However, when acting on stage, it's the total opposite. While saying your lines you should sometimes look at the audience.

This will make them feel connected to the character.

You must build a relationship with the audience because then they will feel a part of your story.

  • Speak loud and clear

Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to understand what an actor/actress is saying.

So make sure that even the person who is sitting on the last seat can hear and understand what you are saying.

My teacher told me one time to chew the words. it sounds weird, but it works.

  • Turn while talking

When we are talking we usually face the other person, however, on stage you shouldn't do that.

The audience needs to see your face, and if you are looking at the person that you are talking to they can't.

What I usually do is turn to the person that I'm having a conversation with and them move one of my feet.

Basically, one of your shoulders should be facing the audience and the other one should be facing the other person.

  • Do everything with intention

When you are on stage every move needs to have a reason.

If you are walking across the stage express in your facial expression and gestures why you are doing that.

If you are listening to someone don't drop your character, make different faces and movements according to the scene.

I have a teacher who always tells us to have our fingers touching our thighs. this way we will never forget about them.

Just try to have intentions and motives on your whole body, not only on your face.

And that's it! Those were all of my tips! I hope that you liked this post if you did please share and comment.

I post every Tuesday and Thursday, so if you don't want to miss any post make sure to subscribe, bye!

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